After the Rain by Rita Gerlach


After the Rain by Rita Gerlach, ISBN: 13: 978-1517606886 & 10: 1517606888, Self-Published, 569 pgs, $19.33.

This a wonderful Historical Christian Romance novel by Rita Gerlach that takes place in Chevy Chase, MD and Virginia during the Edwardian Age. Ms. Gerlach has captured the essence of life during this time in a captivating way. She shows the reader what life was like for the privileged and the poorest unwanted children. It is a captivating, page turning story with twists that will surprise the reader. One of the things that makes this novel seem real, is the way Ms. Gerlach portrays the personality of each character and weaves it together through the relationships between the people in the story. This book is suitable for all ages.

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