Now you can clone your beloved pet

No matter if it is a dog, cat or other animal, or how many pets you have had in your life there is always that one special pet. Many people try to get another pet just like the one that they had. They go to the same breeder or try to pick one that has the same characteristics as the beloved pet. But it rarely ever works out because each animal is unique.

Cloning now lets a pet owner get the exact same animal. A company called ViaGen Pets has cloned the first puppy and kitten in the U.S. They are the only company that is in full compliance with all of the U.S. regulations and pet care practices.

Cloning is best done while the pet you wish to clone is alive because a small tissue sample is harvested, processed and stored. Then when you are ready, the DNA from your pet is implanted in a donor and will develop to full gestation.

The resulting pet will look and behave the same as the original pet. It will also have the same health issues which can be an advantage since in some cases,  the pet owner can take preventative measures.

If cloning had been available many years ago, I would have cloned my beloved SAR dog Scout.

For more information, contact: or speak with a ViaGen counselor at 888-876-6104.
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